鄭州科能達科技有限公司是河南省高新技術企業,河南省軟件企業,河南省科技型中小企業,潛在瞪羚企業。是我國較早專業從事消 昉應急電源、電力用高頻開關直流電源和遠程監控系統軟件的研發、生產、銷售和技術服務的骨干企業, 也是河南省一家擁有自主知識產權的EPS研發、生產、銷曾、服務一站式企業。公司產品涵蓋了消 防、電力、網絡、軍工、廣播電視、交通、稅務等多個行業領域的電源供給。先后為政府機關、部隊、消 昉、電網、臨、科研單位兼戶提供一站式產品深受客戶的信賴。
As a Henan new high-tech enterprise, Henan software enterprise and Henan excellent private enterprise, Zhengzhou Kenengda Technology Company is one of the earliest backbone enterprise specialized in the R&D, production, sales and technical service of firefighting emergence power supply, electric power highTrequency switching DC power supply and remote monitoring system software, and it is the only one-stop enterprise integrated EPS R&D, production, sales and service having proprietary intellectual property rights. The products of the company covers the power supply in firefighting, electric power, network, military project, radio & television, traffic, tax administration and other multiple industries. The company successively provides one-stop products and services for governmental organizations, army, firefighting, grid, railway and research and development institutions, deeply trusted and supported by customers.
Our vision:Let every user use the most secure power!
Core value: Dedication, Integrity, Unity,Hard work,All-win and Gratitude
Our mission:Serve every customer well, achieve every employee, and contribute to the power construction of China!
公司目前擁有現代化標準工業廠房2000平方米,具有年產量 1200臺直流屏和2000套EPS/UPS的生產能力。同時注重人才培養、技術革新,培養出一支高學歷、輕驗豐富、能力強的技術研發團隊。在產品品質管理體系方面,確立了“以市場求生存,以質量求發展”的指導方針,建立了系統、完善、有效的質量保證體系和經營管理及服務體系,公司已先后通過了IS09001、IS014001、OHSAS18001等管理體系認證,公司產品服務受到業界廣泛好評!